The field of Molecular Gene Technology has multidisciplinary applications with significant roles in improving life.
Our international week offers you the opportunity to learn about different applications of Molecular Gene Technology, addressing topics related to gene technology in industry, food production, plant and protein engineering.
This virtual event will take place from 8 - 12 March 2021.
Click here to register:
Registration deadline is 31 January 2021.
Registration fee: There is no registration fee
Please note the following to better understand our registration platform, as the initial part of the registration is written in Spanish by default:
Nombre de asistente = First name of attendant
Apellidos de asistente = Family name(s) of attendant
Correo electrónico del asistente = E-mail of attendant
¿Quieres aparecer en la lista de asistentes? – Do you want to appear in the list of attendants?
Sí, quiero aparecer en la lista pública – Yes, I want to appear in the public list
Sí, pero solo visible para otros asistentes – Yes, but only visible for other attendants
No, mi inscripción solo la verá el organizador – No, only the organizer will see my registration